Friday 10 July 2009

Scotland was awesome!

Everyone bonded well and - even though at times it was challenging - it was amazing!
The First day, we got the coach to Birmingham from Gloucester where we all met. On the way to the coach, we ran over a bird which - I think - is quite rare! It felt horrible and we thought that it would've got out of the way but it just stood there and we drove over it :(
When I looked back, it was twitching on the road. Also, on the way to the coach, we passed quite a lot of roadkill. Surely this didn't bode well?
The coach journey was nice and chilled and it mainly consisted of quiet chat a gently snoozing.
At Birmingham we caught the train that would take us to Glasgow. By now, we had all woken up and were a right chatty bunch! Expectations hung in the air; a mixture of excitement, nerves and tiredness. Glasgow is a gorgeous city, was a shame we only spent a few minutes there!
We then got on the train that would take us to Mallaig. It was a hot and stuffy journey and the small breezes from the small poky windows were like a heavenly refreshment. The view out of the windows changed from gorgeous architecture, to grimy warehouses on the outskirts and then endless hills and mountains. We passed Ben Nevis and went over the infamous 'Harry Potter Bridge.' The food was outrageously expensive and yet people still were willing to pay a quid for an average packet of crisps!
We stopped at a small station and I bought an amazing ice cream! Ben 'n' Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice Cream = the best!!!
We FINALLY reached Mallaig and ran to the pier where a boat was waiting to take us to Knoydart. The Sailor spoke in such a broad Scottish accent that it was barely understandable!

The Boat trip was - quite literally - AMAZING! The sea was littered with jellyfish! The sun was setting in the west, the sea was gentle and Knoydart was visible in the horizon. It looked like haven. It was just so picturesque and everyone was in awe.

We arrived at the campsite which was on the beach where we had been dropped off. It was an amazing place to stay; we were almost surrounded by small secluded beaches and stunning views of sea, hills and mountains. The sea was freezing! We were bitten by some midges, lit a fire and gathered around it which was nice. Midges were to become a dominate feature of the trip.

The next day, we were woken by midges, a weird bird calling, and Mr B singing 'O what a beautiful morning.' We ate, packed and sprayed midge repellent everywhere! The weather was sunny with a bit of cloud cover.

The next few days consisted of walking, whining, being bitten by midges and horse flies, Swimming in the ocean, lochs and lakes, sleeping on rough bumpy terrain, encouraging each other, getting sun burnt ( or/and getting tanned ) eating boring food, drinking refreshingly pure water and socialising AMAP (as much as possible)

I felt that everyone was bonding. I normally stayed at the back chatting to people. Sometimes I walked at the front but the concentration was more on getting to the next stop first rather than chatting. We camped near some amazing natural rock pools and waterfalls. Swimming in them was incredible and unforgettable! The waterfalls formed cool bubbly pools and further down were very deep cool parts that were roughly 10ft! The rocks around the water were smooth and shaped round. It was genuinely amazing!

We often had group huddles in a tent, where we squeezed into a tent, talked for ages then fell asleep entwined and tangled with each other. We were beginning to smell. Blisters, bites and ticks inhabited our bodies and after a while, no one was squeamish!

On one occasion six of us ( including myself ) slept in a four man tent! It was a tight fit but social and amusing. No one slept well that night and we woke up bedraggled. We had been told that no 'hanky panky' was allowed and no one was really interested in each other so, when I say, bedraggled, I DON'T mean it in a sexual way, honest!

One thing that ruled the evenings were witty innuendo's! I shan't give an example since I have a reputation! But the evenings were the best time, socially.

We climbed the highest mountain ( in Knoydart ) called Ladhar Beheinn. It was a challenge but at the end it was very rewarding indeed! It was 3346 ft (1020 m) and the sun was shining! Now, one might say, sun is better than rain BUT.... think again people! We were closer to the hole in the ozone layer and heat while hiking is NOT pleasant. The ideal condition would be cloudy with a slight breeze and - luckily - we had that often!

It went quickly and all too soon, we were back on that train to Glasgow. We all slept most of the way and I got my sleeping bag out. We ran through Glasgow to hop onto the next train that would take us to Birmingham. I was aware of our smell and especially when a high class make-up clad woman promptly stormed off the carriage with her nose in the air. The train arrived late at Birmingham and we missed the train to Gloucester. I was ravenous! I had to eat but did I really want to pay double the price for a packet of crisps?

Finally, we arrived in Gloucester and we hugged and kissed each other goodbye. Everyone had seriously bonded! My lift arrived late and I was taken to the hospital for tick removal.
It was so good to be back! Being without technology, in the country was an amazing experience! At times there were challenges, friendships were tested, made and made stronger.

Now, it was back to civilization. Back to technology, finance, family and away from those bliddy midges and horseflies!

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