Monday 28 March 2011

The Storm before the Rainbow

School is killing me! I have soooo much work and I just want to PAUSE time and finish it all! :(

I feel like everything is spiralling out of control and all that's left is hope for coming summer! And when I'v left school which is in itself a scary (but exciting) thought!

As a naturally optimistic person, all this is particularly hard and I can feel this lump in my heart which is all the responsibility on my shoulders. It comes to the point where it's hard to think, hard to comprehend and I know that all you people out there are either going through similar problems or have done in the past so I don't feel alone by any means.

I wish I was't someone who works best under pressure. From now on I'm making a pledge that I start work way in advance and NOT leave it to the last minute!



Friday 25 March 2011

My Letter From The QUEEN

So I thought I share with you a piece outta've my Childhood guidebook. My letter from Queen Elizabeth II!

At the time (2003) I was obsessed with royalty and loved the concepts and ideas, the lifestyle and the grandeur! (I still admire it)
So I wrote a letter to the Queen - waffle really, just about my life and education etc but, being a Steiner child through and through, I decorated everything - the envelope even! and included photos and drawings
and here's her reply:

What I LOVE about it is that it's SO personal: unlike my letter from Emma Watson!
which is another story entirely!

Love & Hugs


Wednesday 23 March 2011


OK people!
So the big trip I was on about yesterday... It is BOOKED
Oh yeaaas :D

Soooo excited!!

OHH and I'm going to Italy with my amazing class in 2 weeks! Excited about that tooo

I LOVE travelling!!

P.s. Probably shouldn't compose a post when excited next time hahaha


Tuesday 22 March 2011

Freakily accurate!

Hey people!

So today I was perusing my horoscope as I usually do
and here's what it said:

If you aren't traveling today, Leo, you will likely take a big trip soon. It seems that you will be sharing a room with someone special. A close friend or significant other may accompany you. You can look forward to all the romantic possibilities that come with exploring new lands together. It's bound to be a wonderful trip!

So.... here's the thing...
It's scarily accurate - down to the very last detail!
I'm not gonna go into how it all is accurate because well... I need to retain some degree of mystique
but I'll keep ya posted biatches!

Mwahh XX