Thursday 28 February 2013

All about Life (part one)

There's a question that, at one point or another, we all ask ourselves  “Where am I going in my life?” Sometimes we don't like to ask ourselves as it forces us to question everything. Are we really happy with our  job? Do we really want to spend the rest of our lives living in routine? Are short bursts of arranged trips enough?
Some of us live our whole lives with such fixed minds that these questions barely ever come to light.
We all think we know the key to 'happiness'
There's a formula right? A 7-step formula to happiness.

1)Go to school and get the qualifications.
2)Go to university and get an enormous debt.
3)Get a good job.
4)Get a mortgage and start your pension.
5)Find someone to mate. To 'complete' you
6) Retire and spend all the retirement money.
7)Die peacefuly in your sleep

There's the formula and may I just say that it's not fixed. The order can change. Some steps are skipped. Or some people 'fail' and end up living alone with a dead end job and a mounting debt.

Let me start off by telling you all that there is so much more!
I can see you all rolling your eyes and wanting to dismiss this. There was a time where I almost dismissed this. After all I grew up surrounded by this formula. I was taught it. We all are. You see it in the movies, you see it all around you. It's like it has been imprinted into us like a stamp. A recipe passed down through the generations and displayed wherever you are as a reminder.
This may be hard to accept. Some may argue that they went on a gap year and got a little gap year necklace. Well that's excellent and must have been a brilliant experience however; what did you do during that time? Stay in youth hostels, eat cans of baked beans and see the sights? Get drunk every night and have many sexual escapades? At least this is something. Yet most of you chose to get back into the 7-step cycle afterwards? A short break from the comfy reality and then back again.

What we all need to realise it that, as a nation, a society, we have allowed ourselves to be used and manipulated and controlled. There are set principles we have to abide to. Certain ways we are expected to be, react, feel and express ourselves. We like to call this 'maturity'
As young children we are free and not yet imprinted by society. We learn from our surroundings, constantly taking things in and incorporating them into our lives. We learn what is expected and acceptable. Sometimes in the harshest of ways.
I am not saying that this is done in a malicious way, quite the opposite! This is done with love from all around us because it is what they were taught and their parents were taught and so on.

Gender is also interesting. Blue room for the boys. Pink for the girls. We like to logically label and categorize everything! The truth is that things aren't as Blue and Pink as they seem. There is no definite line. Things merge and overlap. Sometimes we can see this on a physical level. Hormones, physical features, DNA etc sometimes is is beneath that. Beyond the physical.
What needs to be understood is that we are all born with male and female aspects. Our minds do not like this as it does not seem logical and can't be labelled or put into a category.
I remember when I was 7 and at school. There was such a separateness between gender! The boys thought the girls were disgusting and vice versa. Through this, certain archetypes are born. In order to fit into our gender label there are certain ways to act, react, feel and do. I shan't go into these things because they do vary from culture to culture but needless to say, they are there!

What needs to come to being is a stripping away of these formulas and a burning of the rulebooks to life as we know it. Balance must return. Realisations of the pre-conditionings needs to come to be and we must all strive to strip these preconditions away. The first step is actual realisation. Your minds will be telling you to deny this because without these pre-conditionings who are we?

I cannot tell you this. All I can tell you is that each and everyone of you was born with a blueprint. Most of us forget it as it cannot be intellectually understood. Some of you may get very frustrated in life simply because there is something you know but just cannot access. We all have the inconceivable truth of existence within us. Under the layers of preconditions. Beyond our minds and emotions.

Realising this is the first step. 

Tuesday 26 February 2013

On The Road...

Oh how long its been and how much has happened!

I left Perth on Saturday and got the train to Armadale with the intention of hitting the Albany highway to hitch somewhere, anywhere! After a long train journey and a lovely flurry of texts with my sister and a delve into the book she gave me, I arrived and lugged my 3 bags out of the station. One guy saw me looking at my phone is exasperation as it's GPS was playing up and asked me where I wanted to go. He pointed me the right way and I set off in the heat. Already sweating! After ten minutes of walking I arrived at the hitching spot and parked my gear. Literally after 2 minutes someone pulled over and told me he was driving to this restaurant he owned near Wagin in a small town called Dumbleyung. Naturally I enquired about a job and – after 2 months of strenuous job hunting – he mentioned a part time position in his restaurant/hotel as washer up. Food and accom included for about 2 hours work a day! Things really fell into place and after starting this book I was becoming more and more spiritually aware and open. The universe was thanking me. Telling me I was on the right path.

So after 3 hours of driving (and almost overheating the engine) we arrived at this cute little place in the middle of nowhere. Perfect, after a city overdose!

There were a few complications as some weren't too keen on such spontaneity but he was the boss, the manager afterall so he had the final word. I am now typing in my room. A beautiful, cosy room near the balcony. I am so thrilled and at peace with everything. I am ready now.  

Monday 11 February 2013