Friday 25 March 2011

My Letter From The QUEEN

So I thought I share with you a piece outta've my Childhood guidebook. My letter from Queen Elizabeth II!

At the time (2003) I was obsessed with royalty and loved the concepts and ideas, the lifestyle and the grandeur! (I still admire it)
So I wrote a letter to the Queen - waffle really, just about my life and education etc but, being a Steiner child through and through, I decorated everything - the envelope even! and included photos and drawings
and here's her reply:

What I LOVE about it is that it's SO personal: unlike my letter from Emma Watson!
which is another story entirely!

Love & Hugs


  1. Sorry to ruin your happiness, but, there is people who work with that! to write letters to al the people to write to the queen or the king.... so she did'nt wrote it :/ <3
