Sunday 19 September 2010

Rather be hated than loved loved loved for what you're not...

I'm not gonna say much today, just that if we all try and appreciate the world around us and be kind to others and treat each other with some respect then Monsieur Smile would be rather greatful!

Had a great weekend with J and C
Has really made me see that no matter what happens, I'll always have them and all my friends & family :)
Tough times are ahead I know, for everyone (even YOU) and yes, we'll get angry, be upset but good times are always forthcoming. Nothing can stop the inevitability of the world..

Have a great week, I'll post soon hopefully
Stay Smiling and show each other some love & respect yeah

Monsieur Smile

OH and my Zune HD came in the post!!!!
ALL THE WAY FROM TEXAS USA! maybe post a review sometime :)


  1. what're the little things in the plastic bag?

  2. Headphone covers lol

    I never use them they just fall off :P
