Thursday 5 May 2011

The final squeeze!

If I could go back in time I'd go back to the beginning of this year and strongly tell myself NOT to leave all my work to the last minute!!

It's actually crazy... There's so much to do and time just FLIES!
The Easter holidays have been completely amazing (in one way!) but work wise I have either just been so busy or easily distracted! What can I say.. its' the bottle neck effect - the final push to Freedom!

1 comment:

  1. hehe, you should feel honored! ^^
    but on the other side I could maybe write something interesting instead of my day, haha! I maybe should start to write in english??? or both!

    as I said, it was a writing test, we should discuss our generation and compare it to other generations and it should be like a article, it was the most boring thing ever!! I wrote about how much I hate my generation, at least those in my city, I wrote how stupid and one-sided they are and if you are any different people will talk shit about you. but I also said that I am that change that I want to see here and in the world :)

    the pancakes were fantastic! I always does wrong when I do vegan-pancakes but these were absolutely lovely!! my friend loved them too!
