Monday 29 March 2010

I don't like labels.

Associations with things, stereotypes .. they drive me crazy!

That's why I hate labelling sexuality; I don't like labelling myself a bisexual
not because I'm ashamed, or angry, bitter or distressed. Not because I don't want people to know
simply because of all the associations with being bisexual and the myths that surround it.

First off; Bisexuality - for me - is NOT a cover-up for being gay, I've loved women all my life, I still do and I intend to for the rest of my life. Women are primal attractions; almost instinctive. Men and women and bound together by the forces of nature; we're like magnets.

I don't see why people say they're bisexual when they're actually gay; maybe they're confused and in that case why label themselves? Maybe they think their parents will disown them or something and in that case; shame on the parents! It is the parents duty, to love their child whatever happens, whichever path they take; its their duty any parents and any who don't then shame on them! I could rant on about parents for years but lets get back to the subject, sexuality and labels.

There are loads of myths about being bisexual; one of the main ones being: "Bisexuals love men and women equally" WRONG! There are phases where we like women more and when we like men more and also phases where we like both, it's also more about the person than the gender. Another biggy is that "Bisexuals are promiscuous and cannot commit to a monogamous relationship" HELLO?! Anyone can fall in love and just because bisexuals love both genders doesn't mean they're going to be unfaithful. Another myth is that "Bisexuals are just playing around, they can choose to be straight." WELL! People don't CHOOSE they're sexual orientation, they FEEL it - no pun intended there ;)

Needless to say most people are curious at least once and that's natural and OK

Another thing I really don't get is why sexuality has to be announced, discussed, proclaimed, shouted; why is there the whole issue of  'coming out' one shouldn't have to sit at the table earnestly and announce one's sexuality, it's nobody's business really and those who 'come out' just make things harder for others; they're just being dramatic. When one does get a boyfriend/girlfriend then maybe that's the time to tell your parents at least then they won't try and talk you out because then you'll have proof. I don't see the need in telling everyone, straight people don't do it and either should gay/bi/transgender or whatever!

I love all people! To me gender is no issue it's the person, the individual. I look for a spark, a connection, that buzz of chemistry and inward and outer beauty. AND if anyone has a problem with that then deal with it and you know what homophobia is soooo last century so get over yourselves and stop being so old-fashioned! It's a free world, as far as I'm concerned I can Love whoever I wish. Variety is indeed the spice of life ;)  

Okay talk later,
Peace & Love
M.S. xoxox

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